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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

As much as I want to graduate with everyone else this semester, I still want to fully experience my last year at York College. Even as a junior, I have already started getting Senioritis, even if it is still a year away… yikes! However, now I see so many graduating seniors thinking of ideas on how to decorate their caps for their big day. Decorating your cap is a great way to show off your personality, where you’re going with your life or future career path, or just to let everyone know how much you’ve been waiting to graduate! For whatever reason you choose, here are a few ideas on how to decorate your cap if you’re having a hard time thinking of something.

1. Movies, books, TV show, etc.

    Are you the roommate who quotes Spongebob Squarepants like it’s your job? Do you have a favorite “Friends” quote? Or are you a Disney fanatic? If you said “yes” to any of these questions, then this may be your time to shine!



2. Glitz and Glam

This one is pretty self-explanatory. If you never leave home without one flashy accessory or glitzy handbag, we’ve got the perfect eye-catching solution!





3. Greek Letters

Show your sisters/brothers some love and rep your letters! If you’re not in Greek Life, try a nickname that you got while you were in college, your initials, or if you have one, use the name that you and your friend group use to describe yourselves. “Squad” is totally acceptable, but only this once.


4. Classic Dr. Suess/Harry Potter themed Cap

“Oh, the Places You’ll Go” is always a popular choice when it comes to graduations of any kind, so why not embrace the childhood tale? If not, go with a more sophisticated storyline like Harry Potter, because it’ll never grow old, trust me.





5. Tribute to College Friends

Decorate caps to match your friend group, or give them a shout out to wear throughout graduation, or just let everyone know that you made some memories and had a great time!




6. Predict your future

Let others know if you’re doing something cool after you graduate. Traveling around the world? Put the flags of where you’re going. Becoming a preschool teacher? Hot glue some crayons on your cap and add a quote about teaching! Nursing student? Glitter-glue stethoscope. The possibilities are endless!



7. The Jokester

If you’re usually the comedic one in your friend group, use a pun or witty phrase to get a few laughs as you accept your overly priced piece of paper. Use it to show off your sense of humor! It will sure be a conversation piece, and everyone will love it!



8. Thanks, Mom!

Send a shout out to your biggest supporters. Whether it’s your parents, relatives, siblings, partner, etc., let them know how much you appreciate their support!



9. Plain and Simple

Use your name, school logo, or anything else that you think is personal for you and your experience with your time during school!



10. Just do you!

No one is forcing you to decorate you cap, so just do whatever you want to do! Or just leave it plain; it’s up to you!

Stephanie is a Senior Professional Writing major at York College of Pennsylvania. She is a York College cheerleader; so she also likes big bows, and she can not lie.