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4 Reasons to Online Shop

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.


Online shopping has always been an addiction of mine but it isn’t always a bad thing. Here are four reasons why you should online shop.

  1. You can always look but not buy

There is no harm in looking, right!? Online shopping always inspires me to create new outfits out of the stuff I have in my closet. Shopping online at multiple stores is almost like reading a fashion magazine, you see what is in stores and you see the new trends!

  1. Treating yourself once in awhile is always nice

After working hard, having a stressful day, or even reaching a new goal everyone deserves to spoil themselves once in awhile! You are ultimately your best friend and nobody knows what you love more than you do! So buy that dress you’ve been having your eye on, it’s made for you!

  1. Great way to take a break while studying

When it gets to that point where the material is just getting so boring, take the break. It will actually benefit you and allow you to be able to study and retain more after. Allowing yourself to look at the shoes from that one store will give you enough time away from the books but also with a new pair of shoes in mind!

  1. Always end up finding new products or stores to browse

I know whenever I’m online and you start looking at one store you move to the next, then the next, and somehow end up on a stores website that you’ve never even heard of. I always love finding new stores because finding new clothing styles or something that I haven’t seen before is always exciting.


Online shopping is not the bad guy, browse a little! Just don’t buy everything you see…

I'm Jen and I'm a sophomore nursing major at YCP. I'm from Jersey and I love fashion, my dog, Harry Potter, giraffes, and singing in the shower.