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10 Things That Cross the Mind of a Biology Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

10 Things that Cross the Mind of a Biology Major

Here is an exclusive peek into the mind of the strangely elusive Biology major.

  1. What is Biology, what classes do I want to take? I LOVE THEM ALL!


2. Crap! I have lab today and I did not wear my lab glasses/long pants/closed toed shoes.


Well, here’s to another day of the pants of shame and the weird old shoes that even the faculty wonder where they came from….


3. Drifts off in lecture for 2 seconds in lecture….






Please repeat that again, Oh brilliant professor of mine, I am yet but a weak brained half-whit.


5. How does this lab pertain to lecture again? What have I learned? Wait, I have to write an IMRAD on this?


How can I do that if I do not even understand my results from lab, let alone interpret them!

6. I hate IMRAD papers, why do they exist?

I am sure no one actually knows the answer to this question. I mean I guess we have to explain our scientific findings somehow.


7. Proofreads paper, I wrote  this? Who knew I am actually smart?

Sometimes I really doubt my ability to clearly state my brain’s muddled thoughts.


8. Studies a total of 15 hours over 3 days prior to an exam: I still do not understand what is going on, guess  I will just accept the fact that I am a failure.

Then miraculously, the studying pays off and you get an A or B (anything higher than what you predicted.


9. Sees a green leaf on a tree, only thinks of photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Sees random animal, thinks about its evolutionary background. Sees attractive human, only thinks about genetic recombination.


You know, nerd stuff.


10. Talking with friends/walking to class/ just sitting around… I GET IT! That’s what he/she was trying to explain in lecture.


Not to mention the fact that when you start your research that is all you can think about and it causes nightmares and major insomnia AND anxiety of how your senior thesis project is going to not work and you are never going to graduate.


Basically, by the end of being in the Biology Department for 4 years all you live and breathe is biological science and it doesn’t even hurt anymore.


Hey!  My name is Kathleen and I am a senior Biology major at York College of Pennsylvania. I am from a little town in Pennsylvania called Lititz. If you can't find me on a nice day, I will probably be found wandering a local trail. I am a huge nerd and I love being involved in the biological sciences. I try to be as green as possible, while being poor (as many of us college students are). I started writing for HerCampus, because I think I could add a different perspective to some popular issues surrounding college campuses. Happy browsing!  ~ Kathyl
Stephanie is a Senior Professional Writing major at York College of Pennsylvania. She is a York College cheerleader; so she also likes big bows, and she can not lie.