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Tara Tomimoto ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

Year: 2014

College: Calhoun

Hometown: Calgary, Alberta

Major: Economics

Meet this week’s Her Campus Celebrity: Tara Tomimoto, Yale Women’s Hockey captain! Read on to learn more about the Yale Women’s Hockey team, Tara’s experience as captain and her favorite moments of senior year.  

Favorite study spot: Starbucks with Christmas cups

Nickname: Tyra (like Tyra Banks)

Guilty Pleasure Snack:  Nutelladillas    

Favorite New Haven Restaurant: Union League or Prime 16

Favorite Yale class: Intro Psych by Paul Bloom

How do you like being captain this year?

While there are more logistical responsibilities than I’ve had for hockey in the past, it’s really no different than previous years. 

How’s your season going?

This is one of the best teams I’ve ever been a part of at Yale and we’re really starting to gel as a team coming into the break.  We’ve won two of our last three games and we even had our first road sweep (two wins in a row) a couple of weeks ago against RPI and Union.  This year was the first time since January of 2008 that a Yale women’s hockey team has swept on the road.  I’m really excited to start the second half. 

Do you have a hockey pre-game routine?

My routine is pretty consistent but I’m not as superstitious as other players can be.  I like to do my pre game rituals because it makes me feel more relaxed, but if something unexpected happens, it doesn’t bother me too much.  When I arrive at the rink, I first tape my stick, and then I’ll stickhandle and roll out in order to loosen up my wrists and muscles.  I also might do a little visualization before going on to the ice.   

What goes on in the locker room during game periods?

We will either listen to music and try to stay focus, or talk about what we need to improve on for the next period.  Between periods is also a good time to refuel because it can get pretty tiring on the ice.  Janelle Ferrara eats one gummy bear per period.    

What else are you involved with at Yale?

I’m on the board for the Yale Undergraduate Energy Club (everyone should join its really fun, we’re even touring the Yale power plant next semester!)  I’m also a fellow with my teammate Ashley Dunbar for our New Haven outreach initiative through the Amy Rossborough Women’s Fellowship.  And of course I’m a devoted member in Pi Phi. 

Plans post graduation?

I’m moving to New York and working for Blackstone in their real estate group.  I’ve never lived in a city as big as New York so this will be an interesting transition. 

What is your favorite senior year memory so far?

The first tailgate of the year when my team dressed up as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in order to win a $150 Modern Pizza gift certificate.  The freshman even decided to paint their faces orange and dress as oompa loompas. 

What are you doing for winter break?

My family has a place in Maui, so we’ve vacationed there almost every year since I can remember.  We have family friends who go there each year as well so it’s a very familial environment (we even go caroling together), so I can’t imagine a Christmas without palm trees. 

We have to be back on campus for hockey on December 26th, but I don’t mind because “the Marriot” is one of my favorite holidays of the year.  As the name implies, the winter sports teams are housed in the Marriot over break and because there is no school, all you have to do is eat, sleep and play hockey.  I generally catch up on a lot of my TV series during this time.