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Wellness > Sex + Relationships

The Secret Perks of Being in a Long Distance Relationship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

Although most people are seeking on-campus hookup advice, some of our hearts are miles away. In lieu of unsolicited advice, I present you with the 11 Secret Benefits to LDR:

  1. Save money on date night – FaceTime is free 

  2. You never have a failed night out: rejection is impossible 

  3. No homework distractions

  4. Save money on waxing 

  5. Perfect reason to miss every performance of theirs 

  6. They last longer in FaceTime sex than real life 

  7. You can pity everyone’s sad experiences with love at school 

  8. Flirt with others, nobody knows!

  9. You can pretend you have way more friends than you do 

  10. Not being touched in months 

  11. Someone is always thinking about you. Or says they do! 

Have a lovely lonely day <3