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Guide to Old Campus Chillin’

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.


            Yalies rejoice every year when the bitter cold of winter begins to fade away and the sun comes out of its deplorably long-lasting hibernation.  Even if the temperature barely reaches 55 degrees, this proves to be more than sufficient to most students.  Without hesitation, students flock to the courtyards armed with Frisbees, speaker systems and even barbecue kits ready to make the most of a sunny afternoon.  Arguably the most populated of these springtime venues is the lawn of Old Campus and, despite its close proximity to the freshmen, even the most wizened Yale students unabashedly chill on its territory. But what is the best way to take advantage of an Old Campus afternoon? Her Campus presents the Do’s and Don’ts of OC Chillin.



            Nothing screams springtime like a picnic or barbecue on the lawn. Bringing out a portable grill is a perfect way to turn up the heat and ward off the still-lingering cool breezes and simultaneously grab a quick bite.  Her Campus recommends running to GHeav to grab burgers (veggie too, if that’s your thing), hot dogs or brats.  Your friends will be pleased and you won’t regret it either.  If you can’t manage to score a portable grill or other grilling necessities, a premade picnic from the dining hall will suffice.  If its chicken tenders day, many would argue this even takes priority over the grill.  Eat your heart out.

Bring a blanket

            Yes, we romanticize the idea of laying out on Old Campus’s wonderfully kept lawn and basking in the sun; however, sometimes we become so fixated by this image that we forget the reality.  The grass is scratchy, patchy, and itchy.  If you remember only one thing, bring a blanket. Forgetting this item will totally ruin your experience and deter you from ever acquainting yourself with the OC again. I would even go as far as to recommend two blankets, one for underneath and one for on top: remember, this is New Haven. We wouldn’t be shocked if winter storm Nemo rolled around for round two right in the middle of Macklemore’s set.



Try to do work:

I can promise you, you will get absolutely nothing done.  You will head out to OC with a backpack full of study materials, only to find yourself half an hour later running down the middle of the lawn screaming for someone to throw you the Frisbee. Plus, the computer screen will be virtually impossible to see as it too competes with the sun’s rays.  More importantly, your attempt to do work will bring down everyone’s moods around you and remind them of their next big paper or looming pset.  Please, for your sake and ours, don’t be the buzzkill.

Overdress (or underdress, for that matter):

            Okay, so New Haven in the spring may not be San Diego or Miami, but it’s the best Connecticut has to offer right now so we might as well take advantage of it.  For those of you from California or anywhere else that sees better days in wintertime than New Haven does now, don’t stick out like a sore thumb and still don that parka or winter hat.  Dress for the occasion in a sundress, shorts, or anything else conducive to springtime sun.  Word of caution for Midwesterners and Northeasterners: Yes, the air is finally thawing and for us, 60 degrees feels like a heat wave.  But keep in mind that Old Campus is not a pool or beach, save the swimsuits for a more private location. A sundress, tank, or jean shorts will do just fine.