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5 Things To Look Forward To Over Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.

It seems like its been ‘midterm season’ for pretty much the whole semester, and fall break might as well have been a daydream. And now that it basically gets dark before lunch and scarves and hats are making their way out of storage, things are looking pretty bleak. But luckily, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel, and that light is Thanksgiving break. Here’s what you can look forward to in order to get you past these next two weeks.

1.The Harvard Yale Game


While students would be rushing to get back home as soon as possible for any other break, this year with the game taking place on home turf, everyone will be sticking around for a little longer. You’ll get to watch people run around while throwing a ball while you freeze to death…which is fun for some reason.


2.Reading a good book



Anyone who says they have time to read for pleasure during the semester are either lying or one of those crazy people who take periodic ten minute naps instead of sleeping. There’s no better feeling than getting lost in a good book, and breaks are the perfect time to dive into a new one.


3.Catching up on TV



It’s not too late to catch up on some new fall shows. Check out Scream Queens on Fox for a creepy-but-funny murder fest, or Wicked City on ABC, for those of you who’ve been missing their weekly dose of Chuck Bass ever since Gossip Girl ended.





This one is self explanatory.


5.Thanksgiving food


The best part of break by far. Dining hall potatoes are all well and good, but Thanksgiving is the big leagues. You’ll be dreaming about turkey and pie all the way until finals (and you’ll probably be full until then too, if you’re doing it right).