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What Working for a Circus is Really Like as Told By AHS: Freak Show

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

I’ll get it out of the way, I work for a circus. And yeah, it’s pretty darn cool. But let me clear up some misconceptions people might have about what circus life is really like. 

1. We don’t have clowns.

2. It’s a lot of practice hours. 

3. Everyone learns everything to the best of their ability. 

4. Entertainers do travel. 

5. It can be dangerous. 

6. Your coworkers become your circus family. 

7. It’s our job to keep you happy and having fun! 

Check out more pictures of the Cincinnati Circus Company here

Gif Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Amber Lauzé is a senior Entrepreneurial Studies and Management double major from Auburn, Maine. When not writing for HCXU, she can found at one of her many jobs, or hunting for her cat that likes to hide in blankets.
Danielle Curtis is a Junior at Xavier University and is HCXU's Campus Correspondent. She is majoring in English with minors in media studies and writing. She loves traveling, reading, and watching videos of failed marriage proposals.