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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Driving in the snow for the first time can be scary. Especially if you come from a state, like California, where it rarely to never snows. Here are a few tips for driving in the winter snow.

1. Drive slow!

Even when driving slow, some people still slide. Accelerate and decelerate slowly, basically. It takes longer to slow down on icy roads.

2. More space between you and other cars.

Leave more space between you and other cars between. The following distance should go from 3-4 seconds to 8-10 seconds. This will provide the longer distance needed if you have to stop.

3. Don’t stop if you can avoid it.

There’s a big difference in the amount of inertia it takes to start moving from a full stop versus how much inertia it takes to get moving from rolling.

4. Avoid using your windshield fluid.

Don’t use your windshield fluid to clean your windshield. It will freeze on it and make it harder to see.

5. Don’t power up hills.

Get some inertia on a flat road before reaching the hill and let it carry you to the top. Once at the crest of the hill, reduce your speed and proceed down slowly as possible.

6. Stay home.

If you really don’t have to go out, then don’t go out. Even if you’re good at driving in snow, don’t tempt fate.

Leah Himes

Xavier '19

Leah Himes is a senior English major with psychology and writing minors. She is from Cincinnati, Ohio. When she is not working on HCXU stuff, she is hanging with friends, listening to music, working at Starbucks or eating mac n' cheese in her slippers on the couch.