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Tips to be Sustainable in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

1. Get a reusable water bottle and remember to use it.

Also remember to wash it. Same goes for travel mugs for hot beverages. Ask your local coffee shop to fill up your travel mug instead of using another cardboard cup.

2. Take notes on your laptop.

Read class material straight from Canvas if allowed too. Some teachers require printed materials, but try to limit your paper consumption.

3. Buy a few reusable shopping bags to bring with you when you go grocery shopping.

If you forget to bring your bags with you, consider keeping them in your car, or at least one in your purse so you always have it. If you do end up with plastic bags, check to see if the store offers a return and recycle program like Kroger or Wal-Mart.

4. Skip the dryer.

Once your clothes are washed hang them on a drying rack to air dry. It may take longer, but it saves energy and saves you some money.

5. Dump paper and plastic (figuratively).

Keep up the trend of reusable by getting dishes that can be washed. If paper and plastic is better suited for when company is over, recruit a friend to help with post-party dishes and know that you’re saving the planet and also yourself a trip to take out the trash.

6. Get thrifty.

Everyone loves a good deal, and everyone loves shopping and knowing they’re doing well for the environment at the same time. Instead of buying new, buy used. Items are cheaper, there’s a wider selection, and it saves clothes waste from going into the dump.

7. Start moving.

Walk or bike to close locations. Taking a car is quick, but saving on fuel and emissions is a win-win (not to mention those toned quads and calves, good job, you look great).

Picture Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Amber Lauzé is a senior Entrepreneurial Studies and Management double major from Auburn, Maine. When not writing for HCXU, she can found at one of her many jobs, or hunting for her cat that likes to hide in blankets.