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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Sometime curly hair can be very pretty. But most of the time it’s a pain. Here are some struggles that straight-haired people don’t have to deal with.

1. “Brush it out,” they said. “It will be pretty,” they said.

2. You wish you could’ve lived during the 80’s when big, curly hair was the big deal.

3. Straightening your hair takes about 2 hours and is a good arm workout. After about 30 min, you give up.

4. Messy buns are your best friend anytime and anywhere.

5. The one day you wear your hair down, it rains.

6. You hate when your straight-haired best friends can wake up and go to class without doing anything to their hair.

7. Blowdrying your hair always goes wrong.

8. Whenever you take you hair down, your hair tie always gets lost and/or stuck in your curls.

9. At least you get away without washing you hair for a few days and no one will know…

Rock that curly hair Collegiettes, it looks great on you!

Picture Sources: 1, 2, 3, 45, 6, 7, 8, 9

Angela Provenzano is an Occupational Therapy major at Xavier University. She loves sunsets, chocolate, puppies and other non-cliché things.