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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

We spend so much time on and with other people, how well do you really know yourself?

The concept of being alone is something that is so feared. But being alone can be one of the best things you can do for yourself. Not only will you feel more refreshed, but you will also learn to be at peace by yourself. You realize that you are all you need. You will always have yourself and at the end of the day no one else can take that away from you. Loving yourself is more important than anything because you cannot fully love another person until you love yourself. You will continually be looking for pieces of yourself in other people.

There was a time I didn’t understand this concept. I used to hate being by myself, and I would continually seek other people to fill me when I felt empty. But when I came to college that changed. Suddenly I found that going to see the sunrise by myself before school changed my mindset for the entire day. I then enjoyed other peoples’ company more because I learned to enjoy my own company.

There are things in this world that will make you feel alive. Yours are probably different than mine and that’s okay!  Go find those things and do them. Stop waiting until you find someone with similar interests to do them; just go with your bad self and enjoy every second of it.  Personally, I love to take myself on coffee dates with my journal or I love driving with the windows down singing at the top of my lungs not caring how ridiculous I look. I will go on a run to the top of the soccer field by Elet and sit on the bench feeling the sun kiss my skin while Mumford & Sons sings to my soul through my headphones. After a long day of being surrounded by the people I love, I blissfully slide into a bubble bath with the scent from a Lavender candle and close my eyes to think about my day. These are the moments that I feel free because I know my happiness is not coming from anyone or anything else but myself. Coming from someone who used to constantly make sure other people were happy, it is nice to know that I can make myself happy too.

Life is too short to constantly be at war with yourself. Stop waiting for someone to take you on a date and take yourself out!  Stop waiting for someone to love you the way you desire and learn to love yourself. You deserve every ounce of it!

Katherine Plucinsky is a senior at Xavier University studying Public Relations and Advertising. She is a Colorado native who loves her mountains and Red Rocks concerts. Her free time consists of eating cookie dough, hanging out with friends, being outdoors, going on runs and enjoying the little things. She is a sunrise addict and a travel enthusiast in love with being alive. She also thoroughly enjoys God and adventure.
Kathryn Morgan is a Senior Marketing and Public Relations student from Cleveland, Ohio and is the Campus Correspondent for Xavier University. When not working with Her Campus she spends her time with AMA@X, Xavier Women in Business and finding any puppy close by. She loves macaroons, traveling and bad dad jokes.