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The Everyday Life of A Barista

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

Whether you drink straight espresso or frothy flavored lattés, baristas put love and hard work into crafting your favorite drink. While you’re guzzling that sweet caffeine to make it through your day, being behind the counter is a completely different experience. Ever worked in a coffee shop? You know exactly what we’re talking about.

1. When people line up outside before you open and stare at you intently begging to be let in

2. You have explained what is in each drink more times than you care to remember

3. When all the “pour-yourself” coffees run out at the same time…

4. … and you have a line about twenty people long at the worst times

5. You subconsciously clean up the sugar and cream counter at other coffee shops because it’s ingrained in you to do so

6. Speaking of other coffee shops, you feel slightly like a traitor every time you go

7. When the fridge you store all your milk in breaks

8. Don’t you love it when someone who has never worked in a coffee shop tells you how to do your job better?

9. You will spell at least one person’s name wrong… more likely five peoples’ names wrong.

10. You have been requested to write everything from “basic girl” to “I love you” on a cup for someone

11. You have witnessed at least one awkward first date or awkward interview

12. You have watched countless people instagram their drinks

13. And, if you’re being honest, you’ve instagrammed your own drink masterpieces

14. The study group that has been in the corner for the past three hours will come and buy coffee drinks five minutes before close

15. You will smell like coffee all the time, regardless of how many times you do laundry

Shoutout to all the baristas out there keeping the world caffeinated; you rock!

Gif Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Kathryn Morgan is a Senior Marketing and Public Relations student from Cleveland, Ohio and is the Campus Correspondent for Xavier University. When not working with Her Campus she spends her time with AMA@X, Xavier Women in Business and finding any puppy close by. She loves macaroons, traveling and bad dad jokes.
Molly Hoefakker Xavier University Junior Psychology Major, Deaf Studies Minor I am most likely found in my room hanging out with my friends, and I am also involved with the CFJ.
Danielle Curtis is a Junior at Xavier University and is HCXU's Campus Correspondent. She is majoring in English with minors in media studies and writing. She loves traveling, reading, and watching videos of failed marriage proposals.