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After-Spring Break Survival Kit (& Giveaway!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

We all took our spring break trips, and, whether you went to the beach or to the mountains, went home or stayed in Cincy, it was a pretty good time. While it’s a struggle to get yourself back into the school routine after that heavenly week off, Her Campus Xavier was surprised to find a big box of goodies waiting for us when we got back! Read on to see what we got and how you can win some of these great products. 

The first thing you’ve probably noticed in returning back to school is that you’re completely out of food. Fridge? Empty. Pantry? Bare. And don’t even talk to us about how many caf swipes we have left (aka: none). What you need is a BOGO Chipotle card! Go with a friend to split the cost or go by yourself and have two burritos. We aren’t judging. 

And if that isn’t enough to curb your hunger, try some Luna Bars. Not only are they filling and have a ton of good stuff packed in them to help you through your day, but they are also just good tasting. 

Now, navigating campus after dark by yourself can be a bit concerning. Feel safe with some Sabre Campus Safety Pepper Gel! In stylish pink, to boot. 

Now that spring break is over doesn’t mean the pampering has to stop. With some of our Not Your Mother’s Clean Freak Shampoo and Conditioner and some at-home-waxing Completely Bare Strips. Wash your hair to shiny perfection and take off all that unwanted hair so you look your best (that new tan from spring break probably will help too). 

The last thing we want to focus on is our homework. So why don’t you pick up a great book instead? From the drama-filled exposé of sorority life in Dirty Rush by Taylor Bell to the thrilling assassin-centric The Intern’s Handbook by Shane Kuhn that will make you question your fellow intern’s motives, you’ll find something that’s sure to absorb your time. (Plus, it’s rumored that Dave Franco will start in a movie adaptation of The Intern’s Handbook! We wouldn’t mind seeing that.) 

Finally, your campus wardrobe would be incomplete without some Her Campus swag! Pick up some Her Campus sunglasses, coozies, pens, stickers, or notebooks at the HC Store! 

Want to win some of our goodies? Follow our Twitter @HerCampusXavier and keep checking back for our announcement coming this week! 

A big thank you to all of our sponsors – we love all of our goodies!

Brittany is a senior accounting major from Saint Louis, Missouri and is a Campus Correspondent for Xavier University. When not organizing Her Campus Xavier, she can be found working with Tedx Xavier University or Xavier Women in Business. She  wishes she could spend all of her free time with puppies.