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4 Adorable Xavier-Themed Etsy Finds

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

We all can find so many really great things on Etsy, but to make it even better HCXU has complied a list of some Xavier-inspired Etsy finds! These will definitely be at the top of your holiday list and will get you ready for game day and take your Muskie spirit to the next level.


Spread your love of our Musketeers into your common area.

Toms Shoes

A way to take your school spirit into every step you take.

Photo Prints

Every seller has their own certain style, so if you like one in particular, they most likey do custom order. Send them a message and ask about a Xavier themed print!

Ink Drawing

Such a refined, mature find to show off your Xavier pride for your new apartment after graduation.

Sara is a Sophomore Public Relations major with a double minor in Political Communications and Business at Xavier University. She is also involved with an acapella group, Acabellas, and the Center for Faith and Justice on campus. She loves all dogs, dark chocolate, and inspirational quotes. 
Brittany is a senior accounting major from Saint Louis, Missouri and is a Campus Correspondent for Xavier University. When not organizing Her Campus Xavier, she can be found working with Tedx Xavier University or Xavier Women in Business. She  wishes she could spend all of her free time with puppies.