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12 Bulletin Board Ideas for the RA Who’s Not Creative

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

A big part of being a resident assistant is creativity, but for some of us, artistic ideas and abilities don’t come easily. For the RA that’s totally lost on what to do for her bulletin board, here are some great ideas that can easily be replicated. Happy decorating!

Welcome your residents to campus with this punny board!

Spread some love with this sweet board full of kindness notes!

Share the importance of health and wellness in October in a clever way!

Or help your residents get through the stress of midterms

Everyone could use a helpful reminder about alcohol safety, so make it fun

Help your residents stick to some New Year’s Resolutions! Self care should be a priority.

Or this friendly reminder that consent is mandatory

If roommates are struggling to get along, give them some tips to cohabitate better.

What will you try for your next bulletin board?

Margot Bond

Xavier '20

Margot is a senior Economics, Sustainability, and Society major with minors in Political Science and Gender and Diversity Studies from Louisville, Kentucky. In addition to writing articles for Her Campus, she is a Resident Assistant at Xavier and involved in student sustainability. She loves listening to John Mayer, watching Netflix, and doing crosswords with her boyfriend. Most importantly, she is 100% a cat person.
Lauren is a senior Marketing major, with minors in Economics and Gender & Diversity Studies at Xavier University. She calls Nashville, Tennessee home, and is the Campus Correspondent and President of HCXU. When she is not writing, she is planning events on the Student Activities Council, building her resume with her brothers in Delta Sigma Pi, or making random Spotify playlists. She is a Diet Coke enthusiast, and wishes she could spend every day hiking or playing with her dog.