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Valentine’s Day Food and Wine Pairing Suggestions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

There can be a lot of pressure to find the perfectly romantic meal setting for a Valentine’s day dinner. Sometimes places can be too crowded, music may not be to your liking, and that couple next to you could just be- weird.  The solution is to stay in and make a delicious meal!  So whether you’re naturally a homebody, or you’ve just been procrastinating on reservations, we have a guide for you!  We tasted over 20 wines at Vinostrology wine bar in downtown Bellingham, and have winnowed that list down to our favorite 6. All of these wines can be found for under $17 at Vinostrology.  Buy local, and enjoy!


Huntaway Reserve, Malbourough, New Zealand: Sauvignon Blanc

This New Zealand wine has a bright fruit taste without being too sugary sweet.  This wine’s balanced taste starts out with juicy nectarine and closes with crisp melon.  New Zealand Sauv blancs maintain high acid levels but are balanced with other flavors so that the wine does not come off tasting like a WarHead candy. The fruit, the body, and the acid, have been blended in such harmony in this particular wine that it tastes like a bottled cupid song.This was our favorite wine we got to try.Though this wine could stand on its own as an appetizer or after-dinner treat, we recommend pairing it with lightly seasoned chicken and lots of leafy greens. Price: $16.99



Tempus, Washington: Dry Riesling

Rieslings are typically known to be sweet, but some are also dry. Dont let the dry put you off, they will still maintain some residual sugar- it just won’t be like sucking on a sugar cube. For this riesling, there are notes of apricot and white peach while still maintaining a bigger body than a sweet one. For this wine, we recommend pairing  it with fresh clams and mussels from the local Taylor’s Shellfish Farms on Chuckanut drive. Price: $12.99

Veneto, Italy: Soave

Soave is an Italian wine that is making a comeback. It is difficult to find in major grocery stores, and even large wine merchant’s selections will be slim; but when you can find it, it will be enjoyed. This medium-body wine also has a crisp taste with a very nice round finish. The wine has a good minerality to it as well as fresh fruits. This wine would be excellent for roasted or buttered chicken, vegetable dishes, or even fish dishes- just make sure that the sauce you use for any of these is not too heavy, as the wine will become astringent in your mouth after you take a bite. Price: $12.99



James Cabernet

This Cabernet Sauvignon is absolutely explosive. As soon as the wine touches your palate, it goes straight into attack mode. Green vegetables are the first to come to mind when tasting the wine, especially asparagus and green beans. As is typical with cabs, as the attack settles, it will finish with red fruits. The wine is not very tannic, which is a plus for those who don’t care for super dry reds. For this wine, we recommend eating steak and baked asparagus with your significant other. Price: $14.99

Chianti Rufina, Italy: Chianti Rufina

This complex red wine hails from Italy, and is perfect for pairing with red sauce spaghetti, pizza, or ratatouille.  This wine is refined but fun, like riding a moped while wearing an fine leather jacket.  With softer tannins than other reds, Chianti boasts tastes of oak and cherry, and has a good amount of acidity which is why it pairs so nicely with tomato dishes. Price: $12.99

Rioja, Spain: Tempranillo

Tempranillos that hail from Rioja are by far the best in the world. They generally have lots of tannin, which makes them complex and intense. This Rioja lacks a heavy tannin complex, but still maintains a good balance of fruit and depth. This wine is fruit foreward getting raspberry and cherry notes with some dried fruit after you have already gulped it down. To pair with this, we recommend pork tenderloin. Price: $13.99


Student at Western Washington University. Political Science and Chemistry double major. Captain of K-7, commercial fishing out of Bristol Bay, AK. Wine geek and aspiring wine maker.