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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.

Halloween is over and winter is approaching fast. The only big event for most of us left in between now and winter break is the classic American holiday, Thanksgiving. It’s the time of year that we look at what we really appreciate, and for at least one of those days we get it in large amounts. The love? No, the food. We all get a break for a couple of days to go back home to our families. But what about Friendsgiving? If you are in the dorms, it isn’t really realistic to try and make a turkey. Here are some super simple and yummy Thanksgiving dinner ideas you can make almsot anywhere.

STUFFING: This is a cheap Thanksgiving staple that I firmly believe needs to be at everyone’s table on November 24th. You can get a name brand box of variously flavored stuffings at your local grocer for around two dollars, and it is very easy to make. Many stuffings are even vegetarian!

ROTISSERIE CHICKEN: Now this option isn’t something you’d generally see on the traditional family dinner table, but there’s nothing traditional about these options! If you prefer a meat on Thanksgiving, store bought chicken is good as any other bird (looking at you Turkey), requires no preparation, and is particularly tasty. 

CRANBERRY SAUCE: In a can. Those are three words that don’t generally describe quality, but sure do count for quality! If you’re strapped for cash this holiday season, and need some dessert and color on that thanksgiving table, aim for the cranberry sauce can. You can find them incredibly cheap at some stores, and if the taste isn’t your thing, the red color sure will make your instagram pictures pop!

MASHED POTATOES: One of the best things when it comes to Thanksgiving are the mashed potatoes. You can actaully make some without having to get out a pot and masher and stove. You can either grab a bag of instant mashed potatoes and cook it in the microwave or just put a couple of potatoes in the microwave and mash them with a fork. You can add butter and salt or whatever you want to flavor them, just don’t forget to poke a few holes in them so they dont explode.