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Madellen Szymborski ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WWU chapter.


Madellen Szymborski

Graduation year:



Graphic design major, hopefully UX minor.

Astrological sign:


Relationship status:


Favorite Disney movie:


What’s your favorite season?


What’s the best thing about Western?

I love the area it’s in and how friendly everyone is here!

Favorite class at western and why?

Art 101. It’s glassblowing, and something I never even imagined I’d take, but ended up being really fun and challenging!

What’s your spirit animal?

A cat.

If you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be?

Jennifer Lawrence. She’s so funny and doesn’t take crap from anyone!

Describe yourself with three adjectives:

Creative, sassy, determined.

Advice for future Western students?

I know it’s cliche, but don’t procrastinate! Especially once you get into your major. It really sucks doing 3 different huge projects right at the last minute.

Most exciting things about winter break?

Sleeping in and spending time with my friends and family!

Kylee Morgan. WWU. 21 years old. Communications and PR enthusiast. WWU Campus Correspondent.