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What I’ve Learned From My Grandparents

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

My grandparents have always played a huge role in my life. They only live about 30 minutes from my house so we have become very close over the years. I remember them taking me to concerts in D.C. at the Kennedy Center, various museums, throwing me birthday parties, and attending each and every major life event and accomplishment of mine. They are some of the most important and loved people in my life. Someday, I aspire to be as wise, kind, healthy, and happy as they are.

Here are the things I’ve learned from my grandparents over the years:


1. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

This is something my great grandma told my grandma. She now tells all of her grandchildren, too.

2. Read. Read a lot!

Both of my grandparents read daily. It’s why they’re so intelligent. They read the newspaper, magazines, non-fiction and books just for fun. They instilled in me the importance of reading and how much you can learn from it.

3. Appreciate the arts.

For as long as I can remember, my grandma has taken my cousins and me to countless concerts, plays and musicals. She has taken me to N.Y.C. two different times to see The Phantom of the Opera and Wicked on Broadway.

4. Exercise.

I swear, my grandparents are in better shape than I am. They both walk a mile a day, maintain their own gardens and about an acre of land. On top of that, they volunteer and are a part of various clubs.

5. Save your money.

My grandpa says the secret to becoming a millionaire is spending less than you earn. My grandpa is a firm believer in saving your money in any way you ca

6. Get up and start your day early.

I wish I was as productive as they are. My grandma tells me she feels like she’s wasted her day when she sleeps in until 8:00am! Whether it’s playing scrabble, cooking, cleaning or doing a cross word puzzle, they are always doing something.


We can all learn something valuable from our grandparents. They are fascinating people.. Always remember to tell them you love them. 

I enjoy writing for Her Campus, studying Sociology, cooking, and listening to music. I have an appreciation for learning about the world we live in and how to make it a better place for everyone.  I hope you enjoy my articles! 
Just a small town girl living in an even smaller college town. I'm an Accounting major at WVWC in hopes of someday going to law school. I enjoy coffee, jumping in puddles, & petting the locals' dogs when they take them for walks on campus.