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Sami Layfield ’14: President of WVWC 4H

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Being in Wesleyan’s nursing program is more than enough to keep a student busy, but for senior Sami Layfield, that’s just one of the many activities on her list of involvement.

A proud sister of Zeta Tau Alpha, Sami says that ZTA is “a sisterhood with many opportunities to help surrounding communities” and “a place to have a home away from home.” In Zeta, she holds the position of house manager to assure that the suite is kept clean and that all fire safety precautions are followed.

She also serves as the president of the colligate 4H club. “It has given me a lot of chances to practice being responsible for an organization and the programs that we complete,” Sami says. She constantly keeps busy with planning activities and fun things to do within the club, ranging from campfires to fundraisers.

But what exactly is 4H, you ask? According to Sami, it’s “a youth organization that’s focused on engaging and advancing America’s youth.” But to many, including Sami, 4H is much more than that.

“4H has always been a place to call home,” she says. “It is a connection that one 4H’er has with every other 4H’er. If I had to describe the meaning of 4H, it would include words like forever friendships, responsibility, service, and fun!”

At the end of the day, Sami truly enjoys the “home away from home” feeling she finds with her ZTA sisters.

“Joining Zeta was one of the best decisions that I have made at Wesleyan,” she says. “I wanted a family at school and connections that would last forever. I don’t know if I actually expected sorority to be as great as it actually is, but I would not trade the bond that I have with each one of my sisters for anything.”

Sami suggests Collegiettes should go Greek because “you will be surprised at how quickly you’ll fall in love.”

A Writing and Gender Studies Major, Alpha Gamma Delta sister, and 4Her.