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RLCG: When To Say Enough Is Enough

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

A woman’s heart is not a toy. Anyone who treats it as such is not a man, but a boy… When do you say enough is enough?!

Don’t let time go by while you’re carrying the relationship. If you’re putting in all the work, going past your 50% on a daily basis while he’s uninterested, enough is enough.

Don’t let a man determine your happiness. He should make you happy, not act like a big child you’ve got to take care of. Make sure you have a man that is going to take care of you, don’t get a man who is just going to want you to everything for him.

If he loves you he will show you through his actions, just as his lack of actions will show his absence of love.

Being with a man who doesn’t love you and treats you that way once is an unfortunate mistake, you live and learn. But staying with a guy you know is no good, that’s a bad choice on your part. A lot of women think they can change their boyfriend, but I can tell you this now – a boy won’t become a man unless he wants to become a man. A woman can’t make a man out of a boy, but she can trust a man.

Women sometimes look for these “fixer-uppers” to make into their dream date, but I have some bad news…….there is no such thing as a perfect guy.

This leads many women to have trust issues, especially around guys who treat them well. They don’t know how to take such treatment.

So when is enough, enough?? Truthfully, that’s not up to me, that’s up to YOU ladies. If you aren’t being treated like a queen, I see something wrong with that. You decide how you want to be treated. Don’t let your standards fall short just because you are desperate to get, or stay with, a man.

You will know a man is trying to win you over is when he puts you first. He will fight for you, not just keep you hanging around.

Remember: you can’t change a boy into a man, but a boy can change you if you’re not careful.

Junior at WVWC Football player Education Major WVWC Ambassador Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity 20 years old
A public relations major with a passion for social media, the arts, and all things Disney, writer Corinne Weaver hopes to bring some Her Campus flare to WVWC. Weaver performs with the WVWC Theatre and Dance department, is a sister of Alpha Delta Pi, and interned at the National Aquarium in the Summer of '14! This Co-Editor-In-Chief will always love her close-knit hometown of Oakland, Maryland, but looks forward to opportunities to branch out in the future. Follow her @CorinneWeaver4 on Twitter and Instagram!