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RLCG Charles: Should I Change Who I Am to Fit in With the Crowd?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

RLCG Charles, I feel as though I’m caught between two storms: being who I really am as an individual and changing myself so that I can fit in with others. What do I do?

—Really Confused

Dear Confused

If there’s one thing I’ve learned about life, it’s that you always have to stay true to yourself. You don’t want someone to change who you are as a person. The only reason why you should change is because you’re becoming a better person. God made you the way you are for a reason, and your job is to get the most out of the blessings he’s given you. If you’re a nerd, be a nerd. If you’re goofy and you make people laugh, then do it! Now, if you’re a jerk or someone who likes to bring harm to others… You need to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Don’t do that.

Change is good; changing for the right reasons is great.

You’ll undergo many changes throughout your life. Make sure the person whom you become is someone who will be remembered for good.

Take myself for example. If I, RLCG Charles, had changed who I was as an individual, I wouldn’t be involved with half of the things I currently love (including Her Campus!). Because I didn’t follow the mold that others set aside for me, I became my own person, and a person that I’m proud to be!

It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, gay or straight, short or tall, fat or skinny. We’re all created by the same God. As my favorite quote from Kid President states, “give the world a reason to dance.” How do you do this? Do you, be you and love you!

—RLCG Charles

Junior at WVWC Football player Education Major WVWC Ambassador Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity 20 years old