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RLCG Charles: is it Humanly Possible for a Man to Fully Understand a Woman?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

RLCG Charles, is it humanly possible for a man to fully understand a woman?

—Man of Hope

Man of Hope,

That right there is a loaded question, my friend. You and I both know that women can be harder to understand than college calculus… And that’s hard to understand. The best way for us men to fully understand women is to understand that we will never be able to understand women at all. We have a better chance of finding aliens and other life forms in the universe than even understanding 2% of what women even think about on a daily basis.

To be completely honest with you, though, being a woman in general is rough. The things that they deal with every day and every month are things that men will never understand and never experience in their lifetimes. The average human body can only tolerate between 43-48 units of stress, but a woman during child birth experiences between 52-58 units of stress! Even though men play football, lift weights, and build stuff, it doesn’t compare. Women give birth, wear high heels, and can’t fart in public. That’s rough!

To fully answer your question: NO! Women don’t even understand other women. If women can’t understand other women, how are men supposed to understand women? There’s not much hope for us. It’s slim pickin’s.

BUT! There might be a sliver of hope for the male species. Yes, some women do want a man to come save them and ride off into the sunset together, to live happily ever after, but that’s what Disney has fed us for years, and it’s not that simple. Keep reading.

A woman needs a man who isn’t afraid of holding her hand in public or kissing her while his friends are around… A man who isn’t afraid of messing up or looking like a dork. The No. 1 thing a woman wants in a guy is someone she can talk to and open up with—a guy who will actually listen to her, accept her ups and downs, her strengths and weaknesses. She wants someone to cuddle up and watch movies with, to love her for her and only her, to bring her flowers just because it’s Monday, then lay down together and do nothing but laugh for hours.

Remember, men: understanding and learning about women are two different things. Understanding will never come, but learning how women change on a daily basis is a full-time job that can lead to something special. A woman wants you to love her for who she is on the inside, and she needs what is shown on the outside.

—RLCG Charles

Junior at WVWC Football player Education Major WVWC Ambassador Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity 20 years old