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Micah Spiece ’14: Wesleyan’s Theatrical Talent

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

An English literature major with minors in religion, gender studies, and theatre, Micah Spiece is certainly busy.  Despite this, he still makes time for the basics.

“I love horror films, cinnamon, and gender-bending,” Micah says. “Halloween is my favorite holiday, I think flannel and corduroy are the most comfortable things, and I generally prefer vanilla ice cream to chocolate.”

Graduating a year early, he’s been sure to make the most of his Wesleyan experience. He hails from Michigan, the ninth largest state in the U.S., but claims that he chose Wesleyan because of its size.

“Small classes and familiarity with professors are very important to me, and most of the professors I’ve had exceed my expectations every day,” he says. “I still miss the Great Lakes, though.”

Micah’s also vice president of Alpha Psi Omega, the national theatre honorary fraternity. A prominent member of the theatre department, he has been part of cast and crew of several productions, including last spring’s The Pirates of Penzance, directed by Thomas Schoffler ’97.

“Being cast in so many fabulous shows with immensely talented artists has been the greatest honor,” Micah says. “They have become my extended family and taught me more about myself than I could have learned on my own.”

In addition, Micah was also elected as this year’s Gam Man, Alpha Gamma Delta’s Sweetheart. To round off his senior year, he plans to join the editing staff of the Vandalia, “unless the editor-in-chief booted [him] and [he doesn’t] know about it.”

Although he is uncertain of what he’ll do after college, Micah says will keep his focus on theatre.

“I’d like to keep performing, and I’ve considered getting a Master’s degree in Shakespeare and performance from Mary Baldwin College,” he says. “I have a passion for film and criticism, so I might pursue those interests as well.”

Micah is graduating this year, but that doesn’t mean you won’t see him around! Students can watch him perform as a title character in this semester’s reenactment of The Glass Menagerie, November 14-16, or at any other theatre event.

A Writing and Gender Studies Major, Alpha Gamma Delta sister, and 4Her.