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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

“Love is comforteth like sunshine after rain.” – William Shakespeare, Venus and Adonis 

Love is warm like the sun. Whether the love is from a parent, a sibling, a friend, a classmate or a significant other—it’s always there to pull you out of dark times. This week’s campus spotlight is someone who spreads love and laughter to everyone she meets.

Jennifer Kirk is a sophomore English education major from Fayetteville, W.Va. She is a sister of Zeta Tau Alpha and works as a writing consultant at the Writing Center on campus. Jennifer is inching closer to her future plans of continuing her education after graduation to get her master’s in reading and becoming a reading specialist. She finds her happiness at college being able to spend time with her sixth graders in her clinical placement because they help her realize why she wanted to be a teacher in the first place. In terms of her dream job, Jennifer says she would love to be able to teach English to children in other countries because it combines her two favorite passions: teaching children and traveling.

A self proclaimed “Little Debbie baker,”  Jennifer’s hobbies include reading, blogging, driving around with her friends and swimming in the New River when she’s home for the summer. Her favorite place to be is wherever her mother is, and her advice for her past self is to “appreciate free laundry while you can.”

Humor rolls off her tongue and love radiates from her soul. Whenever you see Jennifer on campus, make sure to have a laugh with her! 

Junior Public Relations major. I have an obsession with my dog and every form of coffee.