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Jaclyn Schiffour ’14: Record-Breaker on the Track

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Being a college athlete can be a difficult task, but senior Jaclyn Schiffour seems to really dominate the duo.  From the beginning, Jaclyn has worked hard to accomplish her goals.

“As an incoming freshman, I’d just had surgery and was cleared two days before my first practice. I was so scared I wouldn’t be in good enough shape and able to keep up. Our first practice was intense, but I really surprised myself and made it through.” Three years later, Jaclyn is a leader on both the boards and the track.

After three years of running for our Women’s Track team, Jaclyn pole vaulted 3.25 meters to break the school record. This feat added her name to the record board.  This year will be her senior year, and Jaclyn’s hoping to qualify for nationals to make the year as successful as it can be.

“Breaking the school record is really pushing me to continue to improve and work hard,” she said.

Not only does she have the pressures of competing physically, but she also handles a Chemistry major with a Sociology minor, two concentrations that have taught her well.

“I’ve really learned the importance of time management,” Jaclyn said. “I had 6:00 a.m. weight lifting three days a week and practice every evening. I learned to study during the day so I could get a full night’s rest and to eat healthier so I could get plenty of energy.”

She has maintained above a 3.0 GPA and has also held two positions in Alpha Xi Delta sorority. She takes notes for the Learning Center, and she is a test proctor. With all these responsibilities on campus, Jaclyn has overall enjoyed her experience at Wesleyan.

“I have made so many life-long friends and memories,” she said. “I’m glad that I have been pushed and tested because I have grown so much.”

Jaclyn can truly say that she has come out on top. Congratulations on breaking the record, and keep up the hard work!

My name is Morgan Hobbs and I am a senior at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, WV. I play for the Women's Basketball team, am philanthropy and athletic chair for Alpha Xi Delta sorority, and head up the intramural program. I am also an English Education major and have really fallen in love with teaching. Someday I hope to teach, coach, and be very involved in a high school or middle school. It's so nice to meet you!