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Charles Hayes ’15: Her Campus WVWC’s Real Live College Guy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

If you’ve been keeping up with Her Campus this semester, you’ve surely noticed our brand-new advice column. This is no easy section to write. Giving advice on college, life, love, and more is quite a challenge, but because of “RLCG Charles,” the beat has become a real hit.

Real Live College Guy Charles Hayes is one of the newest additions to Wesleyan’s Her Campus crew.

Charles is a junior elementary education major from Ellicott City, Maryland.  He learned about Wesleyan by attending a college fair; he then visited and fell in love with the school.  As soon as arrived on campus, Charles started getting involved. He is currently a Wesleyan ambassador, in the National Honor Society, an Alpha Sigma Phi brother, a member of the cheerleading squad, and he plays varsity football. It seems as though Charles is a master of productivity.

“I have learned the importance of time management and staying on top of my game,” he says. “I love to be busy. If I’m not busy, I go crazy. I like to be involved because it keeps me on my toes. And I love having the opportunity to help people out.”

Charles couldn’t be more perfect for the role of Wesleyan’s Real Live College Guy. With his given workload, he shows that he has a great understanding of organization and handling responsibilities.  These characteristics, plus his positive attitude, charming personality, and strong relationship with girlfriend Haley Collins, combine to produce successful articles week after week. He also has a great passion for the online magazine.

“When I was asked to write these articles, it sounded perfect for me,” Charles says. “I thought I would give it a try! I love the magazine and wish I had known about it sooner.”

As requests for advice start rolling in, Charles has a message for all Collegiettes.

“I’ll try to reply to all requests,” he says. “If you take the time to write to me, I will take the time to write back. Don’t be afraid to ask a question. If you’re thinking about it, just go for it. I’m here for you, to help with any problem. I will be non-biased and totally honest. You will get the best response possible.”

If readers wish to keep their identity anonymous, Charles encourages private messages on Facebook or Twitter, or for individuals to “use a different name, and it will stay completely anonymous.” Anyone and everyone is encouraged to write in with questions. Send all queries to hayes_ce@wvwc.edu, or visit RLCG Charles’ Facebook or Twitter. Stay up-to-date with all of his daily happenings!

My name is Morgan Hobbs and I am a senior at West Virginia Wesleyan College in Buckhannon, WV. I play for the Women's Basketball team, am philanthropy and athletic chair for Alpha Xi Delta sorority, and head up the intramural program. I am also an English Education major and have really fallen in love with teaching. Someday I hope to teach, coach, and be very involved in a high school or middle school. It's so nice to meet you!