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Campus Survival: 5 Tips to Help You Get Your To-Do List Done

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Midterms are over and we are in the awkward stage between holidays and classes. I, like many people, have been putting off my to-do list and praying that I will finish everything when I go home for break. But wouldn’t it be nice to knock out everything on that list and actually have a week to relax? Here are five tips to help you get your to-do list done! 

1. Let go of technology.

Technology has made our lives so much easier. We live with a world of information at our fingertips—but we also depend on it throughout the day. Take a second and think about the amount of time during a normal day that you don’t have your phone in your hand, a laptop on your lap, or a television screen in front of you… scary, right? To get things done, we need to let go of technology and allow ourselves to sink into productivity. I set aside two hours a day where my phone is off (as well as my TV) and I just work on papers, projects, homework or anything that needs to be done. I find in those two hours I can usually complete over half, if not all of what I needed to do!

2. Take time to plan.

I know this might sound contradictory, but make a plan. I organize my to-do list by what needs the most attention or what is due first. By making a plan, you can easily cross off things one by one and make sure that you don’t forget anything. It is also a really great feeling when you start crossing off multiple things on your list! Once you get a plan of action, start plugging away at work. You’ll be surprised how much you can accomplish!

3. Plan your day.

I live and die by my planner. I know exactly what is going on at all times of the day and I can plan my study and work schedule around it. By knowing what is going on in your day, you can plan ahead and take time to make sure you bring your books to a class when you have a spare hour in between classes or practice. Utilize your time instead of taking naps or playing on social media for an hour. By planning your day and utilizing the gaps, you are optimizing your productivity.

4. Make small and big goals.

You may have a term project that requires a lot of time, but you may also have laundry to do. By putting everything that you need to do (big and small) in your to-do list, you are ensuring that everything is being attended to. It is also a good feeling when you cross the little things off because it gives a sense of accomplishment to power through the rest of the list!

5. Reward yourself.

If I have completed everything on my to-do list at the end of the week, I reward myself with an ice cream cone. By setting a reward for yourself, you have something to work toward and it gives incentive to get everything done! It may be as small as going out Friday night or as big as binge-watching an entire season on Netflix. At any rate, you are allowing yourself to work toward something you enjoy and that makes everything worth it.

Ladies, I encourage all of you to start getting your to-do lists done and making your future happen. Have a great week, and I will see you next time!


Living life will only inspire your work.
Maty recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from West Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC), and she couldn’t be more excited to return to the Her Campus family as a member of the Community Team.  Maty’s passion for writing has guided her through most of her adult life, and it eventually brought her to to the Her Campus Chapter Network as a Style Blogger for Her Campus WVWC. Maty would go on to become Campus Correspondent of her chapter, as well as an intern for Her Campus National and a Chapter Advisor.  Through her different roles at HC, Maty quickly fell in love with the mission and purpose of the Her Campus Chapter Network—and in her new role, Maty has the rare and coveted opportunity to do what she loves on a daily basis by working with a growing network of 360+ college chapters.    When Maty isn’t at the office, she’s usually out exploring, cooking some random recipe she found on Pinterest, or cuddling with her adorable corgi, Winnie.  Follow Maty on Twitter and Instagram !