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Brooke Robinson ’14: President of Student Education Association

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.


While some people flounder when deciding what to do with their lives after college, junior elementary education major Brooke Robinson from Nettie, W.Va. never experienced that dilemma.

“I absolutely love little children and I love watching them understand something new,” Robinson says. “It is the most rewarding feeling I have ever felt.”

Robinson is heavily involved with the education program at Wesleyan. Her largest role within the department is being president of Student Education Association (SEA).

“SEA does community service for the children in the local community,” she says. “We go to Stockert and do different activities with the students. We did Dr. Seuss day this year!”

After graduation, Robinson plans to teach the first grade. She has an early childhood endorsement, and young children have always been her forte. The students are the part of her future career that make bulletin boards, parent/teacher conferences, lesson plans and disciplining kids all worthwhile. For Robinson, the prospect of going back to school to teach is what helps to keep her interested in school today, as a student.

“My favorite part about being an education major is the days when I get to go to the school and spend time with my students,” Robinson says. “I love being in the school setting, and it helps remind me why I am at school myself.”

It is this enthusiasm and passion that Robinson has for her students, teaching, and learning that propelled her to become the president of SEA. She wanted to bring that zeal for her students to the Wesleyan campus, encouraging others in her major to become just as excited and involved with kids and their education as she is.

“I am a strong leader, one who has a passion for my major,” she says. “I believe that I have several new ideas and a lot of enthusiasm to bring to SEA.”

When she’s not in an elementary classroom teaching math or writing skills, Robinson is the Historian Recorder for Zeta Tau Alpha, the Vice President of Student Senate, and the Co-Chair of Academic Affairs. Her involvement at Wesleyan obviously mirrors her interest in education for all, including the small kids whom she one day hopes to teach.

It is always said that teachers who are successful need to really love what they do, not just tolerate it. Robinson is the perfect example of the philosophy being lived out in everyday life. Were all teachers just as dedicated and excited about teaching as she was, students would get a better education and would wake up more excited to go to school.

It seems like when Robinson has her own students, there won’t be a single kid saying that he hates school in her classroom at all.