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Back to School Survival Kit!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

As much as you all love reading Her Campus content, it’s even cooler to write for Her Campus! Each week, Her Campus writers have 1-2 articles published on a national website for college women. How cool is that?

Another perk of writing for Her Campus is that our work doesn’t go unseen. Just last week, Her Campus National sent HC WVWC an awesome Back to School Survival Kit. This kit was full of products from really great brands. Let’s check it out!

Super-Awesome Back to School Survival Kit includes:

Neuro Sonic
At just 35 calories a bottle, Neuro Sonic Wild Berry is a mental performance drink to help you focus and think smarter just because you drink smarter. Neuro Sonic increases alertness, promotes concentration, reduces mental fatigue, and supports memory, and it tastes great. Finally, being smart even tastes great!

HC President and Editor-in-Chief Ashley Young praises Neuro Sonic for helping her concentrate better in class. By drinking one Neuro Sonic, Young says she has the energy to “survive a typical, hectic day of college.” You can find these and other Neuro Sonic drinks at local convenience stores around town!

Follow them:
Twitter: @drinkneuro
Instagram: @drinkneuro
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/neuro


Luna bars credit themselves as being “The Whole Nutrition Bar for Women.” Her Campus sent a ton of mini White Chocolate Macadamia bars to try! How delicious does that sound?

Luna bars come in a wide variety of flavors that satisfy all taste buds. For days when you need extra protein, they offer gluten free, high protein bars. When feeling extra hungry, Luna even offers hunger-curbing fiber bars. When you have that day that just doesn’t stop, Luna is a great hold-you-over granola bar with a variety of nutrients—nutrients that are much healthier than a pack of Oreos or Cheez-Its from Sunny Bucks. They contain calcium, folic acid, iron, and protein that Collegiettes need to stay healthy, happy, and able to make the grades in all of our classes!

Follow them:
Twitter: @LUNAbar
Instagram: @luna_bar
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/luna

SK Energy

It is 2 p.m. You’re feeling the struggle. Wwo classes, meetings, and work remains on your schedule for the day. Don’t run to Red Bull or Monster that will leave you feeling edgy and lifeless. Go with something more natural, like the SK Energy Shots!

SK Energy Shots provide no jitters, and there’s no crash with the Powerful Pure Energy in each 2.5 fl.oz. bottle. Our writing staff was excited for these, especially since we’re all working so hard on upcoming tests, papers, projects, and Her Campus articles.

Follow them:
Twitter: @SKEnergyShots
Instagram: @SKEnergyShots
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/SKEnergyShots

Her Campus Cup Coozies

Her Campus sent us adorable purple coozies for our favorite canned drinks! Complete with a cute little bow, we can now keep our hands from being cold and look cute at the same time! Want one for yourself? Visit http://www.hercampusshop.com/.


These last items were probably my favorite items in the Back to School Survival Kit. I’m an avid writer and neurotic note-taker, so I was excited to give our mini-notebooks and new gel pens a try!

Each notebook has lined pages on the inside with a place for a writing header. These notebooks are perfect for carrying in your purse. (Now we can write down a quick note or take down the number of this week’s Campus Cutie!) These Poppin pens are blue-ink gel pins, and they’re perfect for smooth writing. When listening to a fast-lecturing professor, these pins will allow you to read your quick notes during evening study hours. Poppin lives up to their motto, “work happy.”

Follow them:
Twitter: @poppin
Instagram: @poppin
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/poppin

Tomorrow, when leaving for class, don’t forget your Poppin school supplies, Neuro Sonic to start your day, Luna Bars for a quick snack between classes, and SK Energy for that mid-afternoon slump. Try these products for yourself, and let us know what you think in the comments below!

2015 graduate, and part of the founding HerCampus WVWC team, Stephanie now works as a Technical Writer for a technology contractor in Bridgeport, WV. Stephanie married her husband, JR, in October 2014, and together they have one toddler girl who is stealing their hearts and sanity one day and one dumped bowl of crackers at a time.