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West Virginia University Students Use Talent for a Good Cause

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

In case you didn’t know, the V in “V-day” stands for Vagina. Actually, it stands for Victory. Valentine and Vagina, that is, when referring to the international V-day movement to heighten awareness about violence against women. While most students were cuddled up with their valentine on February 14th, a group of West Virginia student and local community members chose to put their acting skills to good use. They celebrated Valentine’s Day by joining the Global V-day Movement to raise money for battered women in Haiti, and also the local Rape and Domestic Violence Information Center.

Sponsored by the Feminist Majority Leaderships Alliance, the WVU Division of Theatre and Dancer, the WVU Laboratory Theatre and the WVU Center for Women’s Studies, the actresses put on a three-time only benefit reading of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues. The award-winning play, which originally was started off-Broadway, was performed at the WVU Creative Arts Center. It sold out at each performance and raised over a thousand dollars for the causes.

Female WVU students acted out the famous monologues that were both humorous and heart-warming. The acting performances went above and beyond the average student theater production. Viewers were challenged to think about provocative women’s issues ranging from sexual abuse to orgasms, from violence against women to most importantly about their own vaginas.

Devin is a sophomore at West Virginia University, class of 2013. She was a direct-admit into the School of Journalism as a freshman, where she is now majoring in Public Relations with two minors in Political Science and Professional Writing & Editing. Devin started her journalism career in Fairmont, WV. In high school, she served as the Editor-in-Chief of the 2007-2008 and 2008-2009 Maple Leaves Yearbook, which went on to receive a Silver Medal in the Columbia Scholastic Program of Achievement. She was a columnist for her local newspaper, The Times West Virginian, for two years. During her senior year in high school, Devin was a columnist for a national magazine, Gladys, where she went on to become the Public Relations Manager. At WVU, Devin is a member of Chi Omega Sorority. In her spare time, Devin enjoys drinking skinny vanilla lattes, watching Saturday Night Live (re-runs, of course, because she is never home on a Saturday night), and buying cocktail dresses. When she grows up, Devin wants to be a lawyer.