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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

Name: Steven Majstorovic
Major: Aerospace Engineering
Year: Senior
Hometown: Orchard Park, NY

Relationship Status: Single

Interests: “I enjoy sports, especially playing rugby, as well as the traditional Friday afternoon pick-up football game, also going new places and meeting new people are up there as well.”

What do you like to do in your spare time?:  “In the rare event that I do have some spare time, I enjoy either working out or just sitting back and relaxing with friends and family.”

What is something you have always wanted to do?: “I have always wanted to get my pilots license, then fly somewhere upbeat with friends and make questionable decisions”

Future goals and plans: “At somepoint down the road I would like to volunteer coach either high school football or rugby, after of course enjoying the WVU experience to the fullest.”

What do you look for in a girlfriend?: “I look for a girl with an adventurous, laid back personality and a good sense of humor, being able to put up with me being a nerd doesn’t hurt either.”

Rachel is a junior at West Virginia University and a direct-admit to the P.I. Reed School of Journalism, majoring in public relations with a minor in dance. She is the treasurer of the WVU chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America and a member of the WVU Dance Ensemble. Rachel is currently an intern with the Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce, where she single-handedly designs, writes and edits the monthly newsletter. She also works part-time at Guess. Writing, dancing and fashion are all passions of Rachel’s. In her free time, she enjoys getting coffee, shopping (especially for high heels and dresses), tanning, sushi, reading, listening to music and being a closet movie buff. Rachel’s hometown is Pittsburgh, PA, where she hopes to return to live and work someday at a public relations agency.