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Reasons to Get Asked to an Overnight Formal

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

There’s one event that happens once a semester in the world of a college undergraduate girl’s life that every fraternity-boyfriend-searching cool girl wishes to attend at least once in their college career.  Us girls will reach great (sometimes even crazy) lengths in order to get that golden invite from that boy, whether it is a boyfriend or a boy you drunkenly met last Thursday, to this exclusive, weekend away event.  Either way, know him or not, you finally work your way into the heart of your date and the heart of any fraternity event that is known as overnight formals.

Reason number one to get asked to an overnight formal: the boys of course.  Every sorority girl, whether she admits it or not, wants to have a special “in” with their favorite fraternity and overnight formals are the perfect place to get your socialite flirt on.  It’s a weekend away, most likely in a cabin or a hotel, where you’re not only going to be spending at least a solid 24 hours with your date (a little scary) but you’re going to be with all of his friends and brothers as well, if a few drunken bonding sessions don’t occur you’re doing it wrong.

Reason number two: the girls, yes the girls.  Overnight formals are the perfect opportunity to bond with girls you would never normally hang out with.  The slight awkwardness of temporarily living with boys for the weekend causes all of the girls to stick together in order to diffuse the situation.  Not only will you possibly get a boyfriend during an overnight formal but a new BFF as well.

The final reason: it’s a weekend away from school; everyone loves a temporary change of scenery.  Whether it’s in a fancy cabin at Snowshoe or a hotel in Canada, it’s a weekend to forget about school and focus on having fun with new friends.  Where it’s acceptable to begin drinking at 10am and do everything that your parent’s forbid you to do in high school.  What happens at overnight formals stays at overnight formals.