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An Open Letter To My Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.


As an almost twenty-something year old college student, everything is constantly changing. From new classes, to new crushes, I can’t remember the last time anything in my life remained the same. In an ever-changing world, a girl needs some consistency to help keep her sane and a little faith to fall back on. I’ve found that faith in my best friend. 


Dear Best Friend/Soulmate/Spirit Animal/Whatever else you want to call yourself. 


I couldn’t have survived high school without you, and here I am a sophomore in college and I still can’t seem to wrap my head around the fact that we had to take our friendship long distance. I don’t know how people survive long distance relationships. This long distance friendship is hard enough. You’re the Blair to my Serena, the Meredith to my Cristina and in the words of Meredith Grey, “You’re my person.” Thank you for sticking by my side and putting up with me for these last three years. Thank you for all the good, real-world advice that got me over break ups or boys that just weren’t that interested in me. Before you, I had never experienced what a true best friend was. Thank you for always being my shoulder to cry on and not judging me when I tell you about my crazy college experiences. You’ve had such a huge impact on my life and there’s no doubt in my mind that a part of who I am today is because of you.  When I’ve had a bad day, you’re the silver lining that encourages me to never give up.


I wish I could relive the good old high school days when you were always just right down the street. Looking back, I realize that I took our high school days for granted because not a second goes by that I don’t miss our 3rd period gossip sessions or our Pretty Little Liars Tuesdays. We’re so different, yet we’re one in the same and you understand me more than anyone ever has. Even though the only time I can see you is over breaks, I still feel like you’re right next to me because I know that you’re only a phone call away. When I first went off to school, you were the one that I missed the most. Not seeing you everyday was the reason I felt so homesick. I can’t even imagine experiencing life without you. We may never live in the same city full time again, but you’ll be the first person I call when I land my first big girl job or get engaged.  I’m so proud of everything you’re doing for your school. Just having you there makes it a better place. When we went off to different schools, I joined a sorority and you got involved with endless community service projects. We both made countless new friends but at the end of the day you’re still the one that understands me the most. We’ve gone from skipping class to go on chipotle runs to actually making a difference in this world and taking ourselves somewhat seriously. I’ll always cherish our high school days and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the both of us. 


Love always, Jessica