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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

The start of the new year means the start of a new semester for college students.  Some
college students had a successful fall semester academically while others may not have done as well.  This is an issue that plagues many students, especially freshman.  The first-year experience of college can be overwhelming for people.  This would be the first time most students would have to act independently and make tough choices that they must live with.  Below are a few tips that could help students turn their luck around when it comes to college work.

  1.  Study:  The most useful and underrated method of achieving academic success.  As much as people despise it studying is extremely helpful especially when an exam is approaching.  Try to dedicate at least 2-3 hours of studying for every hour spent in class.  It is also helpful to get a jump-start on material prior to discussing it in class.  This will allow the material to sink in and if supplemental questions are formed there is an opportunity to ask the instructor.  Finally make sure to study in an environment where there are least distractions.
  2.  Attend Class:  An act that is simple but is often neglected is to go to class.  Getting up for an 8 a.m. class may be tough but it is extremely important since some material covered in class may not be in the textbook readings.  Most students know that by just showing up and paying attention in class they greatly reduce the chances of failing.  Attend every class, and sitting close to the front, can help build a rapport with the instructor that could go a long way.  Do not underestimate the importance of attending class.

  3. Use Resources: There are many resources on any given college campus.  An example of a resource would be tutoring sessions, study groups or office hours with an instructor.  Make use of all the resources, they are there for a reason and it is to help students.  If there is any confusion with a subject the various resources can help in a multitude of ways.  Use other people you never know what information you could learn.
  4.  Change Your Mindset: It is very easy to get discouraged from having a bad academic semester.  One of the most important things is to remain motivated and determined to do the best work possible.  If you allow yourself to be defeated then your effort and quality of work will reflect that.  Stays focused on the task at hand and encourage yourself to do better; you will find that a little change in a mindset can go a long way.

These are just the few of many tips and ideas that one could use to help them academically.  Some will work better for others while completely different methods may work as well.  It is important that you make the most out of the opportunities that are presented.  

Rachel is a junior at West Virginia University and a direct-admit to the P.I. Reed School of Journalism, majoring in public relations with a minor in dance. She is the treasurer of the WVU chapter of Public Relations Student Society of America and a member of the WVU Dance Ensemble. Rachel is currently an intern with the Morgantown Area Chamber of Commerce, where she single-handedly designs, writes and edits the monthly newsletter. She also works part-time at Guess. Writing, dancing and fashion are all passions of Rachel’s. In her free time, she enjoys getting coffee, shopping (especially for high heels and dresses), tanning, sushi, reading, listening to music and being a closet movie buff. Rachel’s hometown is Pittsburgh, PA, where she hopes to return to live and work someday at a public relations agency.