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Independence Is a Good Thing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

Independent: free from outside control; not depending on another for livelihood or substance. 

From when we were younger we we’ve been told: “always be your own person, be independent!” As we got older it seemed to get harder and harder to believe that being independent was the key to success. We saw others with significant others who would drop everything for the love of their life but is that always the key to happiness? What happens when the love of your life leaves, they leave with no explanation, no excuse. One day your “world” might be gone and that is the exact moment that you will thank your nagging parents for drilling it into your head that independence truly is a good thing.

Independence means being able to make it on your own, it means maturity and above all it means self-determination.

When you’re ready to commit to someone again please know how attractive it is to them that you don’t need them to hold your hand every step of the way. You are able to be successful without any charity from them, be proud of that and be proud of yourself. This is why independence is the greatest thing.


1. People will take you more seriously – if you aren’t independent, it’s obvious. You don’t want people in the work place noticing that you can’t do the simplest of things on your own.

2. You won’t rely on others – you don’t need your family, friends, or significant others taking care of you 24/7. If you’re capable of working and making your own money then you’re already one step ahead. 

3. You’re able to look out for others along with yourself – you might have friends or family who aren’t at the confident stage you are at in your own life. Be there for them and help them get to where you are.

4. Less stress – think about not being capable of doing daily tasks on your own and always needing someone by your side. What happens when that person isn’t there to help? 

5. Better decision making – you’re the only person who will be affected by this decision and so you will make better choices. You won’t make big life choices based solely on anyone else.

Don’t feel as though you need someone else. Don’t be the girl (or guy) who is constantly in a relationship, no one likes that person. It is okay to be alone. You will grow and you will learn. Go stand on your own two feet. Being able to take care of yourself and spend some time alone is a GREAT thing. 

I am originally from Westchester, New York. I came to WVU for my undergrad in Strategic Communications with an emphasis on Public Relations and a minor in Sports Communication. My involvment on campus includes blogging for Her Campus, a sister of Alpha Phi, the assistant director of the media team on the Mountaineer Maniacs executive board and lastly, an athletic communications intern with the WVU Athletic Communications office. I will be graduating in May of 2017 and I am looking forward to getting started with my future career in Journalism and Public Relations!