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How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolution

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVU chapter.

1. Set Realistic Goals

Having a realistic resolution is one of the key aspects to following through. Knowing your limits will help you set a realistic goal that you’re more likely to stick to during the year. Aiming to high can just set you up for failure or add unnecessary stress.

2. Tell Your Friends

Vocalizing your goals by telling your friends and family can be a good way to stay motivated. When other people know about your resolutions, you are more likely to try to stay on track. Friends and family can also be a great support system when you’re falling behind and need a little extra push.

3. Plan It Out

Planning out the best ways to achieve your resolutions can be very helpful. If your New Year’s resolution is to eat healthier or exercise more, planning and prepping meals or setting aside certain days to go to the gym can be an easy way to stick to your resolutions even when you are busy.

4. Keep Track of Your Progress

Noting how well you are doing can be a good motivator. Breaking up your overall resolution into smaller ones can make it easier to keep track of your progress. This way you will be able to see how far you’ve come when you’re getting down and feel like you haven’t made any progress.

5. Don’t Stress

Most importantly don’t stress! New Year’s resolutions are just goals set at the beginning of the year. If you need to take a break, then take a break. Stressing yourself out will only make things worse and make it more difficult to keep your resolution.

I am originally from Westchester, New York. I came to WVU for my undergrad in Strategic Communications with an emphasis on Public Relations and a minor in Sports Communication. My involvment on campus includes blogging for Her Campus, a sister of Alpha Phi, the assistant director of the media team on the Mountaineer Maniacs executive board and lastly, an athletic communications intern with the WVU Athletic Communications office. I will be graduating in May of 2017 and I am looking forward to getting started with my future career in Journalism and Public Relations!