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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WSU chapter.

As spring break passes and the end of the semester gets closer, we often find ourselves facing deadlines, exams, and final projects. The long list of tasks can be overwhelming, leading to stress and burnout. It’s important to take care of yourself and figure out all the right strategies and the best mindset to push through until the end (Summer! Yay!). 

Recognize your effort.

Before fully indulging the final few weeks of the semester, take some time to recognize and reflect on how far you’ve come. Celebrate your successes and milestones you’ve accomplished so far this school year. Whether it’s reaching a personal goal, completing a difficult assignment, or just being able to stay afloat this far in the semester. You did that! Every accomplishment counts and bringing light to these can help give you the final push you need to stay motivated.

Stay organized.

There is only a few weeks left after spring break so it’s important to manage your time wisely. Prioritize tasks by making lists or keeping up with a calendar of your tasks. Include all your assignments and academic tasks followed by other necessities such as work and personal care tasks. Create a system that works best for you and your schedule to effectively achieve all your tasks. Always make time for self-care and keep your wellbeing in mind as you continue these next few weeks.

Support system.

Acknowledge and reach out when support is needed. Your friends, family, peers, professors, and loved ones are here for you. It can be hard to stay focused and motivated without support so make sure to put yourself first. If you start to feel overwhelmed there is always a resource available to help you out. Most schools offer support through the university to help with academic or personal challenges. Don’t be afraid to reach out to professors or classmates if you need anything in your classes. Asking for help is always okay and shouldn’t be dismissed. 

Make time for fun and stay positive.

It’s important to not drown in work and make time to have fun as the weather gets warmer. Prioritizing tasks includes making time to enjoy your time in college. Your successes and efforts can be celebrated throughout the semester as you go. You only get one college experience so give yourself things to look forward to and keep a positive mindset. 

Navigating the final weeks of the semester after spring break can be challenging, but we’re almost there and summer will be here before you know it! Keep your head up and stay motivated to power through. 

Sydnee Green is a writer at Her Campus for the Washington State University chapter. She enjoys writing about entertainment and pop culture! She is also excited to work alongside the Her Campus team to create interesting and exciting articles. Sydnee is from Southern California and attends the Pullman campus of Washington State University. At WSU Sydnee is a strategic communications major with a focus on public relations. She is a senior and expected to graduate spring of 2024. She works at the Adobe Lab on campus helping students with the Adobe programs and watching over the lab. In her free time, Sydnee enjoys thrifting, going to concerts, listening to podcasts and being with her friends. She is a Sanrio lover and is always rewatching her favorite shows Pretty Little Liars and The L Word. Sydnee hopes to study abroad next semester and travel more in general but her favorite destination, hands-down is Amsterdam.