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Found Heaven Album Review

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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WSU chapter.

Conan Gray’s new album Found Heaven was released on April 5 (everyone cheered!) and I’m here to tell you, as a die-hard Conan Gray fan, that it did not disappoint. Heavily inspired by 80’s music, Found Heaven not only displays Gray’s growth as an artist vocally but musically as well with the exploration of new genres. Gray released 5 songs off the album as singles over the past year, but the album gave us eight new tracks along with the five previously released singles. Found Heaven is for the heartbroken girlies, the ones who want to dance, and the yearners. These are a few of my favorites off the album! 

Starting with one of my favorite songs off the album, “Winner”, which was released by Gray as a single in 2023. This song is full of emotion and is not far off from other songs in Gray’s discography making it easily a classic Conan Gray song to me. This is definitely a scream-in-the-car type of gut-wrenching song. 

One of the upbeat songs that make you want to dance is “Fainted Love”. This song has a fun beat with yearning lyrics that are easily relatable. 

Another fun song, if not the most fun song, off this album is “Bourgeoisieses” which is a silly and unserious song that really balances out the other not so silly tracks that encapsulate heartbreak. This song is the perfect track placed right in the middle to lighten up the album in between emotional tracks. 

“Alley Rose”, released as a single shortly before the album, is probably the most popular song off Found Heaven currently and rightfully so. This song perfectly encapsulates the emotions of heartbreak being written about Gray’s first major heartbreak. In an interview with NME, Gray explains how the song title is a play on words for “Abbey Road,” which was going to be the original title of this track until he scrapped that title because it is already a very popular song title by The Beatles, as we all know. Nonetheless, the song is amazing and is getting the hype it deserves online. 

Lastly, to mention the most beautiful song on the album, “The Final Fight,” this track is an emotional ballad with a heavily 80’s inspired beat. This is another unfortunately relatable heartbreak song that perfectly describes the feeling of wanting to tell someone how badly they hurt you and have them understand what you’re going through because of them, “For the lost time, for the hurtin’, for the love that died / But all I wanted was the final fight.” This song is easily relatable and hurts to relate to, but Gray executed these feelings flawlessly. 

Found Heaven is an emotional rollercoaster of an album from heartbreak and trauma to silly and upbeat tracks to dance to. Every song is perfect in its own way and this album is easily one of Gray’s best works. Conan Gray is an amazing artist of our time with so much talent. 

I just know that if nobody’s got me, Conan Gray’s got me.

Sydnee Green is a writer at Her Campus for the Washington State University chapter. She enjoys writing about entertainment and pop culture! She is also excited to work alongside the Her Campus team to create interesting and exciting articles. Sydnee is from Southern California and attends the Pullman campus of Washington State University. At WSU Sydnee is a strategic communications major with a focus on public relations. She is a senior and expected to graduate spring of 2024. She works at the Adobe Lab on campus helping students with the Adobe programs and watching over the lab. In her free time, Sydnee enjoys thrifting, going to concerts, listening to podcasts and being with her friends. She is a Sanrio lover and is always rewatching her favorite shows Pretty Little Liars and The L Word. Sydnee hopes to study abroad next semester and travel more in general but her favorite destination, hands-down is Amsterdam.