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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

How to Stay Focus and Avoid Distractions!  

  1. Putting your phone away in a bag or another room 

The number one thing I always do when it comes to working on assignments or studying is putting my phone in a place where I can’t reach it. I only have my sound on for calls but other than that, I ignore every text or snap that I receive. My phone is definitely my number one distraction! By doing this, you’d be more inclined and forced to do your work without having to look at your phone.  

  1. Find an area to your liking  

Say if you have to study or do homework and you’re not home, find an area that you find you can complete your work and that’s comfortable for you as well. At my university, I love finding a study room at the library that is quiet and peaceful. Some people prefer a loud setting like a dining hall or a simple Barnes and Noble. It all depends on what you feel comfortable doing your work in.  

  1. Have a to-do list or a planner 

I will not lie when I say I cannot live without a planner. Those average-sized notebooks have come in handy hundreds of times and are underrated. In addition, if you have bad memory, like me, it’ll help you remember certain events or assignments coming up! Planners and to-do lists are super helpful when it comes to organizing, planning, and getting whatever is essential done first.  

  1. Taking breaks now and then 

If you have been studying for over 30 minutes or an hour, give yourself a break! Drink some water, eat some fruit, or take some time for yourself. In addition, the more productive you are, the more you may want a break, having the cycle going on and on.  

  1. Reward yourself! 

Schools or universities normally have a week where there are huge midterms or important exams to take and sometimes students overwork themselves. After studying or completing an assignment, you should reward yourself by doing things you like. Examples include: watching a video or episode of a show, taking a nap, or doing a hobby! 

All students struggle with schoolwork and their lives in the outside world. We overwork ourselves and sometimes need a break. Sometimes we need help or ways to manage everything that’s happening. I hope these tips help you as they’ve helped me! Mental health should always be put first, though academics can follow along the line. 

hii! My name is Camila and I love to play sports, watch Disney and Marvel Movies, and listen to music! Dogs and dolphins are my favorite animals.