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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

    “Just because all of your friends have boyfriends doesn’t mean that you have to. Your time will come, don’t rush it.” That’s what my mom used to tell me in high school and I always hated hearing that, but recently I’ve begun to realize that my mom was right.

     Once we hit 15 or 16, most people feel pressured to get into a relationship, fall in love, lose their virginity, and whatever else comes with it. Once we’re in our 20’s, we start to get the feeling that maybe nobody wants us or that there’s something wrong with us. THAT’S NOT TRUE.

     Just because you’re 19, 22, 25, or 29 and you’ve never been in a relationship or been in love doesn’t mean that you’re unlovable, unattractive, broken, or a lost cause. Some things just take longer for some people, and I know I probably sound like your parents or best friend telling you this but, it’s true. 

    Society puts this unrealistic idea in people’s mind that in order to be happy they have to share a romantic relationship with someone. It convinces us that we need to be experiencing the ups and downs of a relationship and learn from our mistakes for future references, but who says we need to make these mistakes at such a young age? Who says that you MUST do these things before a certain age? 

    Maybe you want to travel, get an education, find a steady job, or learn to love yourself before you find love. I say why not do it all before finding love, not prioritizing romantic love isn’t something to be ashamed or embarrassed about.

     Do your own thing, go at your own pace, and TAKE YOUR TIME! Stop letting society convince you that you need to find love to be happy, you can be perfectly happy all on your own or in a relationship where you haven’t said “I love you” yet. Don’t rush it, your time will come!

 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"