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Selam Ghebremedhin ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Name: Selam Ghebremedin

Year: 2014

Hometown: Montclair, NJ

Major: Psychology

Hobbies/Interests: Painting and Photography

Sign: Libra

Relationship Status: Single

HC: What are your plans after graduation?

SG: After graduation, I want to attend grad school and work.

HC: Where do yourself in five years?

SG: In five years, I see myself working as a therapist. 

HC: How would you describe your perfect date?

SG: My perfect date would be a walk on the beach with a guy that I truly like.

HC: What do you look for in a guy? 

SG: In a guy, I look for common interests, looks, and, of course, someone who can make me laugh.

HC: In three words, how would you describe yourself

SG: I would describe myself as loyal, hardworking, and generous.

HC: Lastly, what is your dream vacation and why?

SG: My dream vacation would be in Hawaii because it is sunny and beautiful.

Nerveline DarcelinSeniorOrignally from Union, New Jersey Just a girl, making a way for herself :)
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"