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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Finals season is upon us, and with that comes a lot of studying. In my opinion, study spots should be somewhere comfy, but a place where you can focus. Here are my favorite study spots on campus.

Science Hall West

The study area in Science Hall West is a great place to study if you have classes in the Science Halls. The tables and chairs are a great place to lay out your books and study, while the arm chairs are good to just relax and refocus before your next class. I love studying here in between my classes, as it is usually quiet and it is easy to focus.

Library Study Rooms

The study rooms in the library are a great place for group study sessions. With white boards in the rooms, they can help you study in a different way than just reading your notes. I like studying in the study rooms during finals because being able to study with my classmates really helps me to understand the material on my final exams.

I am a sophomore majoring in Sport Management and minoring in business. I love to play and watch sports!