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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Trying to find time during busy days can be way more difficult than it should be. It can be kind of frustrating, but it is so important to set time aside for yourself. Personally, if I don’t schedule in time for self-care, it doesn’t happen. It’s a little sad but I’m sure so many people have the same issue!

My biggest tip for getting some time to yourself when you are swamped with school, work, or whatever else takes up your day is to pencil in time for yourself and add it to your schedule. Whether it is reading a few pages of a good book, taking a walk, treating yourself to coffee, or just doing nothing in order to de-stress, I find that physically setting a time for myself to do some self-care is the best way for me to get around to it.

Some self-care ideas for when you need to de-stress and make time for yourself:

Take a nice bath or shower

I always feel so much more relaxed and at ease after I take a good shower, it makes me feel so much better after.

Call a friend or family member

Sometimes, self-care could just be something as simple as picking up the phone and calling someone you love.

Indulge in some skincare

I absolutely love skincare and sometimes even just doing a simple face mask makes me feel as if I have my life together!

Go for a walk

Although it’s a cliché it totally works. Getting some fresh air and sunshine always makes my head feel a little less cluttered and I end up feeling so much better.

Listen to some music

Sometimes listening to music can boost your mood and who doesn’t love that? Or maybe you need to take a second to feel down and cry about whatever you need to get out, and that’s totally okay too.

Self-care is so important, especially for university students, so make sure that you are putting yourself first and making some time for yourself.

I'm am a second-semesterfreshman at William Paterson University and I ma originally from South Africa. My major is Studio Art and I'm a very creative and artsy person.