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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Kim Kardashian is not only in the midst of an internet feud between her ex-husband Kanye West and current love interest Pete Davidson, but she is also facing backlash on some unwanted career advice she gave.

In early March, the Kardashians were featured on Variety for an interview prior to the airing of their new show on Hulu. In the interview, Kim Kardashian stated, “I have the best advice for women in business. Get your f***ing a** up and work,” she then proceeded to say “it seems like no one wants to work these days. You have to surround yourself with people that want to work. No toxic environments, and show up and do the work.” Her viral “advice” faced a lot of backlash from fans and even big names like Trevor Noah, comedian and host of The Daily Show With Trevor Noah. In response, Noah said “Yes, Kim Kardashian works hard,” he stated. “But do you know who else works hard? Most women. But what their ‘asses’ don’t have is Kim’s luck to be born into a rich family … and all the access and connections that that brings you.” Trevor Noah seems to be saying exactly what everyone is thinking, which says a lot coming from a fellow celebrity.

The issue with Kim Kardashian’s attempted advice for women is that she is not only the product of a wealthy family, but having a strong work ethic like Kim is suggesting does not always lead to success, especially for us women. Many people said her comments seemed “tone deaf”.

In an interview with Good Morning America co-anchor Robin Roberts, Kim apologized for her comments stating “It was taken out of context.”She continued with “It wasn’t a blanket statement towards women or to feel like I don’t respect the work or think that they don’t work hard. I know that they do.”

It’s safe to say, if you want career advice, don’t take it from the Kardashians.

Brianna is a Communications major with a focus on Media Studies and a minor in Public Relations. Writing is one of her many passions and she is excited to be a member of the Her Campus community.