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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

As a college senior, everything seems to come back to you. Looking back into the past, looking at six-year-old me, 15 year-old me and how much growth I’ve made as a person. Growing up as a child you wish you could be grown up to do whatever you want but once you grow up, you can’t help but want to go back to being a kid or teenager. Having the minimum of taking care of your siblings and doing your homework for a class, having this be the most of your worries.

As an adult (especially college students) you have to worry about the next step you want to take in your career, what jobs you need to look for, internships, bills/loans, and balancing your personal life. It’s a heavy mountain to climb when you hear the list go on and on. Maybe that’s why our parents told us before not to rush into our adulthood because maybe they too wanted to grow up fast and realized that they would miss their childhood. While some adults will miss their childhood, there are still a lot of perks to growing up.

As you stare into your baby pictures, you see the amount of growth you’ve made as a person: mentally, emotionally, and physically. You’re able to witness your accomplishments, growth, and goals. Overall, there will always be positives and negatives of growing up but the positives will always overcome the negatives because when you grow much older, you’ll look back and laugh.

Giannelli is a senior at William Paterson University, majoring in Journalism with a minor in English Literature. She is the senior editor for the universities chapter.