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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Welcome back to school, ladies! It’s time to move, unpack, and decorate.     I’m sure putting your clothes away, making your bed, and finding places for all your knick knacks can be easy. However, when it comes to decorating your room there may be a million ideas running through your head of how you want it to look, but you may not know how to make your room reflect the ideas you have. Luckily, G.I.Y. is to the rescue with a dorm edition that’ll have your room shining with originality and creativity. Here are a few ideas that you can easily create to have your dorm looking the style you want.

1. Wall Collage:

Grab any magazines, books, or even your laptop to find any images or quotes that you find to your liking. You can search on popular sites, such as Tumblr or Pinterest that are filled with some really trendy images that fit any style. Once your images or quotes are printed or cut out, you can just start arranging them on your walls. Lay them over each other or arrange them side by side, any way you want. Pretty soon your bare walls will be covered with your own personality through pictures. Once done you’ll have your own wall of art that I guarantee will never look the same as someone else’s.


2. Goal List:

The Goal List can not only add piece of decoration for your room but is handy as a reminder for any goals you have in mind to complete. All this requires is a large piece of thick paper that can be any color of your choice, Post Its, and markers. At the top of the paper outline a large rectangle with any colored marker. Once done make an outline of the Post Its within the rectangle. Then below the rectangle, outline the sticky notes to as many squares as you want for your goals. Finally, start decorating your goal list with your markers and placing your Post Its over the squares. The Post Its can be written on for whatever goals you have for a month, week, or even a day. Once one is completed just remove it and add another. It’s a super easy and a neat way to motivate you all while being a creative decoration.


3. Photo Clothesline

Feeling homesick is something that can always happen when you’re living on campus. If you’re not allowed to put frames up in your dormitory here’s a way that you can put up pictures without the hammer and nails. Command hooks are perfect for hanging up anything on your walls because they are easy to remove without ruining the paint on your walls (which means you’ll get your security deposit back!) You can find Command hooks now at almost any of your local stores. Place two along any wall as far apart as you want your pictures to hang. Once placed take a piece of yarn and cut it the length of how far apart they are. Tie each end on the hooks securely. Now using clothespins you can hang any pictures you want along the string. The end result is something that adds a touch of home to your dorm and makes your loved ones feel a little closer to you. 


Any of these ideas can be changed into your own style to fit who you are. They’ll help to add touches of personality to your room, making it your own and feel more like home. It’s a positive way to start off the semester by making your own space comfortable. This way you can study and do homework in style. Happy creating, gals!


Photo credits go to Pinterest.com

A senior at William Paterson University with a English Literature major and minor in Fine Art. Victoria believes there is no limit to what you can do in life just as long as you stay positive, motivated and are happy doing so. Her creativity shines through many outlets from her lifestyle blog, articles on Her Campus and being a Beauty Director and Style Columnist at Cliché Magazine. Her success in the digital magazine and blogging world earned her the Best DIY Blogs in March 2014. Anything chocolate flavored, elephant related, and Stephen King distinguished are her absolute favorites. 
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"