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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

Thanksgiving is around the corner, which indicates that it is the start of the holiday season. For many, this time of the year is joyful and memorable. Other individuals do not feel this way, since they are in need of food, clothing or toys. It is important to take time and help others in your community.



1. Purchase toys for the Toys For Tots Foundation or deliver them to a children’s hospital 

3. Collect food for the local food pantry

4. Contribute to the American Red Cross

5. Give coats to One Warm Coat

6. Bring needed supplies to an veterinarians’ office or shelter 



Volunteer Your Time

1. Serve meals at a soup kitchen

2. Visit elderly individuals in a nursing home

3. Volunteer in a hospital

4. Build a home with Habitat For Humanity











 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"