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Dove’s Real Beauty Campaign Defines Beautiful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WPUNJ chapter.

When you think “Dove,” what do you think? Soap, deodorant, a bird? Although Dove sells hygeine products, they have also been involved in a campaign to widen the definition of beauty since 2004. Dove has been adamant in altering the perception of beauty in the fashion world as well.

“In September 2006, a news and media furor erupted when Spain banned overly thin models from its fashion runways…. In response, Dove® produced a compelling short film, Evolution, depicting the transformation of a real woman into a model and promoting awareness of how unrealistic perceptions of beauty are created.”

To view the short film, click here.

In another attempt to positively change the idea of beauty, Dove posted a video altering both our physical and emotional perception. In the video, women were asked to describe themselves to a sketch artist.  After the sketch, another person described the women, leaving both sketches to be viewed in drastic comparison.

We tend to pick at everything thing we don’t like about ourselves (and sometimes each other) so much that we forget how truly beautiful we are.




Amanda Jones is a marketing major and a Film Minor. Along with her passion for Do-It-Yourself projects, Amanda runs a her own business selling hand painted sneaker and curated crafts. She is the Visual Branding Manager for Her Campus WPUNJ YouTube Channel and aspires to create short films and music videos in the near future.
 Di Onne Agnew "chic, comfy, and stylish"